p9756 Urbanized plot for construction of tourist facilities / villas, Budva, Pobori
Basic information
For sale is an urbanized plot about 7 kilometers from the center of Budva and the sea.
The plot area is about 16641m2.
According to the valid planning documentation, the construction of tourist facilities is allowed on the plot.
The maximum gross area that can be built is about 7000m2.
From all parts of the plot there is a phenomenal view of the sea and Budva.
A preliminary project was made to show what can be built, and the future owner can work on a new one according to his wishes and planning documentation.
Contact us for more details.
Detailed information
Marko Ristić
Dugogodišnjim obrazovanjem u sektoru marketinga i menadžmenta i kasnijom primjenom stečenih znanja
stekao je veliko iskustvo u prodaji. Uvek spreman da klijentu pomogne kako bi se posao uspješno završio, bilo to prodaja ili kupovina nekretnine.
Dobrim savetima i realnim sagledavanjem stvari trudi se da stvori neophodno povjerenje na relaciji prodavac/kupac - agencija, a sve zarad što uspješnijeg završenja posla.